New officers for 2022-2023 Board

The election process for the AFSCME Local 2864 Executive Board for 2022-2023 has concluded. There are no contested seats. Elected officers are as follows:

President: Sara Zettervall
Vice President: vacant
Membership Secretary: Amanda Gustafson
Recording Secretary: Urban Landreman
Chief Steward: Angel Gardner-Kocher
Treasurer: Lisa Kjellander
Trustee: vacant
Member-at-Large: Julia Ross, Kimberly Trinh-Sy, and Kelly Wavrin

Vacant positions may be filled by a vote from the executive board. The officers will be sworn in officers at the April 13th general membership meeting and begin the transition of leadership after that date. Anyone who is interested in any of the vacant positions, should reach out to Angel Gardner-Kocher and Sara Zettervall ([email protected]).